Freeline Skates

Freeline skating is wildly popular in China. If you’ve never seen these, a pair of freeline skates looks like a hybrid of the popular Ripstik skateboards and rollerskates. The learning curve is steep, but once you get the hang of these you’re able to perform tricks you can’t do on any skateboard or rollerskates.

A pair of freeline skates (or freeskates) consists of 2 wheels in a bracket under a plate. The plate has an antislip sticker to keep your feet from slipping off easily.

The big difference between regular rollerskates and freeline skates is that the freeline skates (or freeskates) are not attached to your foot. They’re free, like a skateboard. So this makes you able to separate from your wheels on each foot independently.

Check out the video below an be amazed at what you can pull off when you’re putting the hours into freeline skating.

How to Ride Freeline Skates

Similar to the Ripstick, you can get momentum by moving your feet in an S motion. The key to gaining speed on freeline skates is by keeping them close together, without touching. Check out the video below.

Pricing and Availability

A pair of freeskates is an excellent gift for kids who want to be challenged. It’s for people who’re skateboarding or rollerskating with two fingers in their nose.

When you’re ready to start your freeline skating journey (read: to fall flat on your face a bunch of times) there are many brands to choose from, with prices ranging from $30 to $120. The leading brand is JMKRIDE, who’re sitting in the upper price ranges.

The cheap brands (30 bucks) aren’t recommended. If you’d like a good beginner version that’s still affordable we’d suggest the TwoLions version which can be bought on Amazon via the link below.

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Last update was on: October 9, 2024 6:24 am

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