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Clicks Physical iPhone Keyboard

Clicks Physical iPhone Keyboard

Revolutionizing the way we interact with our iPhones, the Clicks Physical iPhone Keyboard is here to reintroduce the tactile efficiency of a physical keyboard in a sleek, modern design. It's more than just a Bluetooth accessory; Clicks is a game-changer for iPhone users who crave the precision and speed of physical ...

AirCard – A Credit Card Sized AirTag

AirCard – A Credit Card Sized AirTag

I love my tech gear. I mean, it's 2023. We're living in an era where technology isn't just convenient – it's necessary. So, when I stumbled upon a gadget on Kickstarter that promised to end my endless "where did I leave my wallet?" queries, I couldn't resist. Enter: the AirCard. It's sleek, it's versatile, it's ...

Kublet – Tiny Monitor to Look at Your Data

Kublet – Tiny Monitor to Look at Your Data

If your workspace is feeling a bit cluttered, or perhaps you’re just in the mood for some streamlined data viewing, there's a nifty little gadget that might just be right up your alley. Let's lift the lid on the Kublet Mini Desk Monitor, a bite-sized piece of tech that serves up a banquet of data. What is this? ...

Stormtrooper Voice Changer Helmet

Stormtrooper Voice Changer Helmet

Attention Star Wars collectors, it’s time to suit up for battle and defend the Galactic Empire with the ultimate Stormtrooper accessory - the Black Series Imperial Stormtrooper Electronic Voice Changer Helmet. This collector-grade piece will take your roleplay or your display to a new level of intergalactic epicness. ...

$131.99 Buy It Now
Copy Paste Keyboard

Copy Paste Keyboard

What started as an April fools gag finally turned into a real product. You can now purchase a keyboard dedicated to the good ol' copy and paste command. In addition there's a single key to launch Stack Overflow so that you'll be the fastest copy- and paste-coder among your co-workers. Why do I need this? If ...

SOMI-1 Turn Movement Into Music

SOMI-1 Turn Movement Into Music

If you ever wish the music would respond to your movement instead of the other way around, the new SOMI-1 by Instruments of Things is a nice new controller to put your money towards. While certainly not the first motion controller for music, this Kickstarter project looks to be more mature than its predecessors, ...

Mojipic – a Voice Controlled LCD Display for Your Car

Mojipic – a Voice Controlled LCD Display for Your Car

The Mojipic is a great solution for whenever you want to express some emotion or messages to fellow drivers on the road. Sure you can put up a sticker on a car, but that's kind of static and semi-permanent. And trying to make some eye-contact and hand- (or finger-) signalling might be difficult or dangerous out on ...

Nana Hats Banana Preservers

Nana Hats Banana Preservers

The banana is probably my most favorite piece of fruit. The only downside is that it's really hard to predict when they tend to expire. No bunch of bananas is alike, so you've probably experienced needing to throw out a bananas some time or use them for banana bread. The Nana Hats are a small invention that ensures ...

Tipsi Tray – Carry Drinks With One Hand Without Spilling

Tipsi Tray – Carry Drinks With One Hand Without Spilling

The Tipsi Tray makes it really hard to spill a drink when you're carrying it. Its innovative design makes it so that gravity works with you instead of against you. This gadget is great if you need to carry food or drinks upstairs and you still want to have a hand free to open doors or grab the handrail. Also, if ...

Memobottle – a Flat Water Bottle For Your Laptop Bag

Memobottle – a Flat Water Bottle For Your Laptop Bag

You know how those round water bottles are sticking out all the time when you carry them to the office? The Memobottle does something you didn't realise you needed. It has a flat shape, like your laptop, so you can store it conveniently with the rest of your rectangular devices. They're BPA-free and dishwasher-safe ...

8 Key Mini Kalimba

8 Key Mini Kalimba

One instrument that can never sound annoying to me is a Kalimba, also known as thumb piano. No matter how hard you randomly play those keys, it'll always sound soft and zen. If you want to have those soothing sounds wherever you go, this mini Kalimba is a pocket-friendly gift. While you don't get the full range of a ...

SwitchBot – Control Any Button or Switch From Your Phone

SwitchBot – Control Any Button or Switch From Your Phone

It's a difficult task to turn your entire home smart. There's always a device or two that's remaining analog and that you need to power on or off yourself. The SwitchBot is a cleverly designed gadget that can turn all your analog / dumb buttons into smart-enabled buttons. This way, even your trusty old appliances can ...

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