Coin Purse That Looks Like a Realistic Human Mouth

This coin purse is more an art project than something you’ll actually find useful to store your coins, but boy does it look hyper-realistic and disturbing. It’s made from silicone and resin material and you can manually open and close the mouth with your fingers and store some coins in it.

Everything from the stubble to the teeth is eerily life-like and you’ll have the attention of everyone if you’re wearing this around your neck.

Who makes this?

The human mouth coin purse and other human flesh items are made by artist Dooo Beats, who started his obsession and business back when he dressed his MPC beatmaking machine in some silicone, showcasing that besides music he also likes science fiction and horror.

Next to this mouth, the store is filled with fleshy objects, such as a blinking eye dice (which actually blinks), a human finger stamp and a belly button vinyl adapter.

Check out the video below to see more about how the items are made

Where can I buy one?

The mouth coin purse as well as other realistic human flesh items are available on Doooo’s web store via the link below. Note that some items are rather costly and might take a while to get produced and shipped to you (from Japan).

Buy the human mouth coin purse

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